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We have many years experience in research on issues related to CSR and sustainability management.

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We advise companies in CSR and sustainability management, the development of sustainability strategies and preparing sustainability reports.

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Un sistema de gestión de la sostenibilidad

l sistema de gestión elaborado en el proyecto cubre los requisitos principales de los marcos internacionales pertinentes para la gestión de la sostenibilidad, la diligencia debida y la responsabilidad corporativa.

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Core Sustainability Management System

The management system developed in the project covers the key organisational requirements of the international frameworks for sustainability management, due diligence and corporate responsibility.

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CSR and Green Economy

At the Environmental Summit Rio 2012, the green economy, and the question of how an environmentally oriented economics is to be achieved is to be a major issue – and for good reason. For the central pillar of sustainable development will have to be national economies which do not violate the basic principles of ecology

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